How To Get Rich - Believe
Do you truly believe that some day you will become wealthy ? Do you think anything can get done unless you truly believe ? Truth is, your beliefs may some day become reality if you truly believe ! Why Believe Believing in yourself is the very first step to accomplishing whatever you want in life. If you do not believe that you will succeed at something, it is very likely you will never succeed. An old saying by Napolian Hill, the author of one of my favorite older books " Think and Grow Rich " was " What The Mind Can Conceive and Believe it Can Achieve " If you believe you will live an average life and jut survive, guess what ? That is exactly the way you will live and you will likely achieve exactly what you truly believe. First Step I don't care how many financial planning and strategy books you read. I don't care how much financial knowledge you can learn. If you don't first truly believe that you will succeed, the rest of what you...