
Showing posts from January, 2014

How To Get Rich - Put Money In Your Pocket Now

How often do you think the wealthy see a pay check ? Do you think they wait for someone else to determine this ? Truth is, many see cash in their pockets each and every day ! Pay Me Now Not Later What would your life be like if you could get paid every day? No more waiting around for your employer to pay you hopefully before your money runs out. I think you would agree, this would be a great way to live. But how do you start changing your life towards achieving this goal ? Well, it won't happen overnight unless you win the lottery. But you can start working towards this goal today. This kind of lifestyle is achieved by investing in financial products that pay an income as frequently as possible. Many quality investments will pay you an income each and every month. How To Work Towards A Daily Pay Check In theory, this strategy is quite simple. You start investing your savings in financial products that pay you a monthly income. These products will almost never pa...

How To Get Rich - Learn To Say No

Do you often feel pressured to give money to something you don't understand ? Does it seem like everybody wants a part of your wealth ? These are common difficulties that those trying to build wealth often face ! Initiate, Don"t React In today's high pressure world there are many trying to make a living on uneducated wealthy individuals. Requests for your money either by mail, by phone or email occur every day. What do all of these requests have in common ? They are all uninitiated. What this means is that before opening the mail or email or answering the phone, you had no plan to give to the person asking. These people are highly trained to convince you to part with your money. People that give their money this way are reacting. They are reacting to the persuasions of a smooth talker with a pitch that seems good. But is this the way to build wealth? No. The successfully wealthy plan ahead with all their purchases, including their giving. They research all ...

How To Get Rich - Be True To Yourself

Do you ever feel coaxed to do something that's not right for you ? Do you feel everyone should be exactly the same in every way ? Our unique differences is actually what makes life so interesting and challenging ! Power of Persuasion I am sure that we have all felt at some point the powerful force of someone with a strong position on a topic. When this topic comes to money and finances, these individuals can actually do you more harm than good. No one likes to feel they are being told what to do. When it comes to relationships, the person with the strongest personality and opinions can often persuade the other to think their way. The person with the weaker personality will often change simply to keep the peace. As a financial planner, I have seen this situation far too often. Individually people will generally do whatever they feel is right for them. When left to discuss ideas with a partner, more times than not they will completely change their direction. Be True ...

How To Get Rich - Reduce Your Cost of Living

Do you find that you have no money left over after paying your bills ? Do you really need to spend so much to enjoy your life ? Overspending is one of today's most troublesome addictions ! Know Where All Your Money Goes One of your first basic steps to building a secure and wealthy future is to know how you spend your money today. A good way to do this is to write down every purchase you make over a one month period. When I say this I mean everything, even your morning cup of coffee or two or three. By doing this simple exercise you will be making yourself more aware of where all your money goes. This increased awareness may be all it takes to identify what you spend too much money on. Organize Your Data   Once you have everything written down you need to add up all the different categories for the month. For instance, how much you spend on your morning coffee for a month. how much you spend for lunches, for dinners out, for movies and entertainment, etc etc etc. ...