
Showing posts from April, 2013

3 Top Real Estate Profit Building Tips

Do you know what separates a good Real Estate investment from a bad one ? Do you know how to maximize your future profit potential ? Discover these three methods to increase your overall wealth ! Profit Building Tip #1 There is one thing you can never change about a Real Estate investment. Location. No matter how hard you try to fix up a property, if you buy in the wrong location, you will lose. Whether you are buying a property for revenue or for your own use, always consider the location first. There are reasons that properties in poor locations sell for much less. Because nobody wants them. Nobody wants to live in an area with high crime or high industrial pollution etc. Start your property search by determining what areas are best for reselling later on. You always want to have an exit plan before you invest in anything, even Real Estate. If you can't get out, you could be stuck with a real mess. Profit Building Tip #2 Once you choose the area or areas you want ...

How To Get Rich - Search For Good Investments

Do you know a good investment when you see it ? Can you tell if what the promoter is saying is actually true ? If you answered no then you had better read on ! The Good The Bad And The Ugly All investments basically fall into one of the above categories. Good investments are ones that have a proven track record of increasing income and growth for their investors. Ideally, they pay out income either monthly or quarterly. They are also very easy to buy and sell if your plans should change or the investment starts to struggle. I call it the easy in and easy out principle, others call it liquid. Bad investments are ones that have not yet proven their value to the investor. They generally do not pay out a regular income and the value of their shares fluctuate wildly for a multitude of reasons. They are sometimes promoted heavily by brokers and others in the industry. They are quite often new companies with new products that are promoted to revolutionize the world. They play on i...

How To Get Rich - Build Your Financial Shield

What would you do if you lost your job ? What would you do if you had a sudden major expense ? Sad to say, but most are never prepared for a major financial setback ! The Big One Is Coming There will most likely be at least one major financial setback in your life. For some, there may be many. But how do you know when they are coming ?  The simple honest answer is you don't ! The very first step in protecting for the big one is to realize that it will happen. You cannot realistically expect to go through life thinking everything will go your way. Instead expect the unexpected to happen as it most likely will. Now how do you go about preparing for this inevitable event ? Choose Your Shield Strength    First you must decide how strong a shield you need. In other words, how much money you should set side to  be used for emergencies only. My suggestion is to set aside enough money to pay all of your living expenses for a period of three to six months. Your ...

How To Get Rich - Follow A Good Leader

Do you think you need to learn everything before you become rich ? Do you think others have gone it alone ? Following a good leader can be much faster and easier ! Why Reinvent The Wheel As a society, we grow because we learn what others have already done and start our personal growth from there. We do not go back in history and learn every little thing there is to know in order to achieve our goals. Many inventions are merely a new way to do something that has already been done. A simple improvement or modification that no one else had ever thought of before. The very same rules can be applied to building your wealth. You do not need to learn every little aspect of wealth building before you can begin. Why reinvent the wheel so to speak. Instead, climb on the shoulders of someone successful and simply do what they do. The biggest problem here though, is how do you know who is really successful and who is merely trying to sell you a product ? How To Find Your Leader T...

How To Get Rich - Learn the Real Estate Mayhem

Do you know someone who is living in their dream home ? Do you think they may be wealthier than anyone else ? Chances are if you do, they are not as wealthy as you may think ! Choosing Your Castle An old saying once said that a man's home is his castle. As outdated as this saying may seem today, many are making a very good living on this very thought. All you have to do is turn on the Home and Garden channel on tv. Many, many home renovation and home purchasing reality shows. What a gold mine, for the producers that is. The problem for the individuals watching these shows is it makes them less content in their current situation today. Why does one need the latest and greatest renovation ? Why does one need a huge, luxurious home ? Correct answer is they don't ! My recommendation is to tune out these shows and be happy with what you have today. If having a more luxurious lifestyle is one of your dreams, start making plans to increase your income in order to afford o...