How to Get Rich - Plan To Retire Forever
Do you know how long the average human life span is ? Do you think you can make a difference towards extending your life ? Chances are you answered no and then maybe to the above ! Money and Time Most people work and save their whole working lives hoping to some day retire and live the good life. The problem is how do they know how much to save and invest ? No one knows for sure how long their money must last after they can no longer work for it. This is one of the biggest challenges to retirement planning. My solution is quite simple really. Plan to live forever. This makes retirement planning very simple. Here is how it works. Keep saving and investing your money until the income from your investments is large enough for you to live on comfortably without working at all. Of course this means you will still need to make enough for your minimum ten percent savings, even throughout retirement. Without this, inflation will slowly eat into your income and your plan will collap...