
Showing posts from July, 2012

How to Get Rich - Fire Your Boss

Would you like to fire your boss ? Would you like to have the freedom to tell your boss to take a hike ? I think we have all felt this way at some point in out careers ! Reality of  Work Let's face it, most people don't go to work because they love what they are doing. They go to work in order to pay their bills and provide for some fun in their lives. Period ! Oh yes, there are a few who really love their jobs to the point where it has become a part of their personal identity. I think that is great for them but personally I don't think they will ever become truly rich ! That is simply because they don't have control over their own time. Time is Most Valuable Yes, time is our most valuable commodity. None of us know how much we have left. Our life as we know it could be over at any time. I think we can all relate to that ! It is therefore very important that we spend what ever time we have left doing something that we enjoy. It is a shame...