How to Get Rich - Pause and Reflect
Are you happy with where you are today ? Are you satisfied that you have done all that you can do to better yourself ? Chances are you have not consciously thought too much of the above ! Take a Pause During the seasonal holidays is a good time to take stock so to speak. This is a time that there is a natural pause in your everyday busy life. This makes for an excellent time to take a pause and have a good hard look at where you stand today. Take a look backwards in time and write down everything that you have accomplished in your life. Hopefully there are a few things on your list that make you proud and give you a good feeling inside. It is very important to stop and give yourself a good pat on the back so to speak. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your past achievements as long as you don't go overboard with the celebration. In other words it is better to keep your celebration more inwards than outwards if you want to keep your friends. Modesty is the bes...